jueves, 20 de marzo de 2014

Create student-friendly targets. Unit 2.B

create student-friendly learning targets UNIT 2.B

In this activity, I will change the targets to adapt them to my students understanding.

These are the targets of 3rd course of Primary Education. Science class.

1. To recognize the animal or vegetal origin of specific foods.
2. To classify the foods as natural or processed.
3. To get information from food labels such as the ingredients or the expiry date.
4. To classify foods into the corresponding groups.
5. To indicate whether a specific food gives us energy, helps us to grow or helps us to stay healthy.
6. To understand the need to wash fruits and vegetables.

Step 1 Definition: I will define the words representing the pattern. In some words I will ask my students to use the textbook or the dictionary to define them.

I will define for them:
-Animal and vegetal origin.
-Natural and procesed food.

They will use the text book to have a first idea about:
-Expiry date.

Step 2 Conversion: I will convert the definition into a language that my students are likely to understand.

-Recognize: To know what it is.
-Classify: To organize each object, word... in the correct place.
-Indicate: To make a croos to demostrate that you know what it is.
-Labels: They are the information that appear in food.
-Expiry date: They are the numbers that you can see in the products. It says when you musn´t eat that product.
-Origin: The procedence of something of someone.
-Animal origin: Foods which come from animals. Eggs
-Vegetal orign: Foods which come from the land. Carrots.
-Natural foods: Foods that have not suffer modifications. For example bananas.
-Procesed foods: Foods that have been modified by humans. For example bread.

Step 3 Rewriting: Rewrite the definition as an “I” or “We” statement: “I am learning to…”; “I can…”;
“We are learning to…”; “We can…”

1. We are learning what is the procedence of foods. We are learning that the foods can come from animals such as eggs or from the land, for example carrots.
2.We can say which foods have been modified and which foods have not been modified.
3.We are learning to check labels and we know when a food can be eaten or not.
4. We can organize foods in groups, depending of where they come from.
5.We are learning what is the function of food.
6.We know the importance of wash fruits and vegetables

Step 4. Trial: Try the definition out with your students. Note their response and refine as required.

My students have understood most of the definitions. They have had problems with the word "modificated" so, I will change the target.

2. We can say which foods have been changed by humans and which foods have not been changed by humans.

Step 5. Practice: Let students try this process, occasionally, with targets they could successfully
define and paraphrase.
I will try to put this step into practice.

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