miércoles, 19 de marzo de 2014

Classify, identify... learning targets. Unit 2.B

Classify, identify and desconstruc learning targets. UNIT 2.B

These are the targets of 3rd course of Primary Education. Science class.

1. To recognize the animal or vegetal origin of specific foods.
2. To classify the foods as natural or processed.
3. To get information from food labels such as the ingredients or the expiry date.
4. To classify foods into the corresponding groups.
5. To indicate whether a specific food gives us energy, helps us to grow or helps us to stay healthy.
6. To know the need to wash fruits and vegetables.

Learning targets can be classsified into: Knowledge, reasoning, skill, product, disposition.

From this point, I will try to classify the target of my didactic unit.

1. To recognize the animal or vegetal origin of specific foods: Knowledge
2. To classify the foods as natural or processed: Reasoning
3. To get information from food labels such as the ingredients or the expiry date: Skill
4. To classify foods into the corresponding groups: Reasoning
5. To indicate whether a specific food gives us energy, helps us to grow or helps us to stay healthy: Reasoning
6. To know the need to wash fruits and vegetables: Knowledge

In my opinion, the only target that does not need any modification is the number 6. It is because students can understand every word. The rest of the target will be modified by me in the following way:

1. We are learning what is the procedence of foods. We are learning that the foods can come from animals such as eggs or from the land, for example carrots.
2.We can say which foods have been modified and which foods have not been modified.
3.We are learning to check labels and we know when a food can be eaten or not.
4. We can organize foods in groups, depending of where they come from.
5.We are learning what is the function of food.
6.We know the importance of wash fruits and vegetables

In this way, students can have a clear concep about what the teacher expects from them and what is the goal that the should achieve to be successful. Also, I think that to share the target with students help teachers to see if they need to do some modification in their teaching planning. It is becasue discussing the targets with their students teachers can see students´ strengths and weakness.

To be successful students need to acquire knowledge about foods.Students have to learn what is animal and vegetal food and to know the difference that there are between them. Also, students have to be aware of the importance of washing fruits and vegetables.

In addition, students will need to be reasoning, so they have to be able to think and discuss about different topics. Students need to make reflections about why some foods are natural and others are procesed. Also, students need to discuss about the procedence of food and debate about the function of each kind of food.

Finally, students need to have the skill of getting information from food labels.

It can be seen that productive and dispositional targets are missing in this didactic unit, so maybe it need to be changed in order to it involves every kind of target and students can be successful in every aspect of this topic: foods.

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